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Sacred Whispers Devotional

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Don’t Look Back- You’re Not Going That Way
Jan 30 3:39 AM

Don’t Look Back- You’re Not Going That Way

Jan 30 3:39 AM
Jan 30 3:39 AM

Our mistakes and failure of the past do not have to define us.  We can choose to be who God says we areEvery one of us has something in our past that is less than admirable.  We have all been branded, either through reputation or conscience, with some haunting memory of our old sins. 

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Confident in Christ
Jan 29 3:15 AM

Confident in Christ

Jan 29 3:15 AM
Jan 29 3:15 AM

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6

It’s incredible that we as human beings are able to have confidence in anything.  So many times when we place our confidence in something, our hope is shattered.  Because the reality of the human experience is that we will all experience disappointment – both in letting others down and in being let down by others.  But the idea that the Apostle Paul is referencing here in Philippians 1:6 is an entirely different thing than disappointment.

Paul is confidently assured of the reality that the believer will be presented before Christ. He is sure that Christ will continue to mature them until He comes back to call them to be with Him forever. This truth is our confident hope, that when Christ returns, He is coming back for us. And that when we see Him, we will not have to shrink back for fear of Him; but that He will make us perfect like Himself. Because of this, we will be able to see Him as He is.

Paul was not hesitant at all to declare that Christ will perfect them.  This perfection wasn’t based upon any spiritual hierarchy or prominence, but faithfulness to the Lord. This should be our encouragement in the midst of all that we face in this life. We must remember that we have a responsibility to know the promises of the Lord, that we may fully and whole-heartedly trust in them.

God’s Plan or Credit?
Jan 28 3:13 AM

God’s Plan or Credit?

Jan 28 3:13 AM
Jan 28 3:13 AM

Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler, Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest.

Proverbs 6:6-8

One of the saddest realities facing our nation is that too many Americans are in debt and have no idea how they got there. Somewhere in our youth, we were convinced to be consumers – people buying things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t even like. As a result, we have failed to provide for both ourselves and our families because we are burdened by unnecessary debt. We are unable to buy a house or to save money for when emergencies happen, and we are often lacking necessities because we incurred debt spending credit on our pleasures and desires.  

While there is nothing wrong with using credit responsibly, such as to purchase a home, it is wrong to mortgage our future for the sole purpose of gratifying our current desires. The latter use of credit goes against one of the consistent themes in the Bible – the idea of planning for the future. In today’s passage, we see King Solomon take an example from the animal world to show us the importance of saving and planning. The ant collects its food during the summer, when there are crops in abundance. There are ant colonies where this food is stored and, once the winter comes, the ants are free to eat and hibernate until the warm weather returns.

Like the ant, we should learn how to handle our finances so that during our youth, when we are at our highest earning potential, we can save money for a comfortable retirement. For those of us who are disciples of Jesus Christ, we should be employing the “10-10-80 Rule” when it comes to our finances – the first 10 percent of our income belongs to the Lord, the second 10 percent should be put in savings, and we should use the 80 percent to pay for our living expenses. If we start this plan as young people, we should be able to provide for ourselves and our families in old age. And if you are older, it is never too late to speak with a financial planner about what options are available so that you can meet your needs as a senior.

Consider the following questions:

  • Have you ever made a budget? If you don’t know how, are you willing to learn?
  • Have you learned the difference between a “need” and a “greed?” Can you distinguish between what is necessary in your life and what is a luxury?
  • Are you aware of God’s promises in Malachi 3:6-12 to those who are faithful in tithing? Would you be willing to at least sit down with a person who tithes and ask whether they have experienced those promises?

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Day 31
Jan 31 12:51 AM

Day 31

Jan 31 12:51 AM
Jan 31 12:51 AM


By Marlin and Monica Harris

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary;and they shall walk, and not faint

Isaiah 40:31

We (Monica and Marlin) wanted to share a few thoughts with you as we come to the close of this fast. What a journey it has been sitting at the feet of Jesus each day and listening to the ‘sacred whispers’ of the Holy Spirit as He speaks His peace and hope to our hearts. We have all cried, laughed and learned together as we have been on this amazing journey of self-discovery. We are becoming our best selves. We are challenging the old habits of our past, and finding new paths to walk in. 


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Day 30
Jan 30 12:23 AM

Day 30

Jan 30 12:23 AM
Jan 30 12:23 AM

Streams in the Desert 365 Devotions, Pages 452-453

By L.B. Cowman, Editor

“…there we saw the giants.”

Numbers 13:33

Yes, the Israeli spies saw giants, but Joshua and Caleb saw God! Those who doubt still say today, “We can’t attack…; they are stronger than we are” (v. 31). Yet those who believe say, “We should go up and take possession... for we can well able to do it” (v. 30). 

These giants represent, for us, great difficulties, and they stalk us everywhere. They are in our families, our churches, our social life, and even our own hearts. We must overcome them or they will devour us, just as the ancient Israelites, fearing those in Canaan, said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size” (v. 32). We should exhibit faith as did Joshua and Caleb, who said, “Do not be afraid..., because we will devour them” (Numbers 14:9). In effect, they told the others, “We will be stronger by overcoming them than if there had been no giants to defeat.” 

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Day 29
Jan 29 12:21 AM

Day 29

Jan 29 12:21 AM
Jan 29 12:21 AM


By Marlin D. Harris

What do you see when you look in the mirror? What does the image that looks back at you say when you walk by a reflecting glass or even see yourself in a photograph? 

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Day 28
Jan 28 12:43 AM

Day 28

Jan 28 12:43 AM
Jan 28 12:43 AM


By Dr. Reggie Anderson

(Content taken from “The One Year Book of Healing: Daily Appointments with God”)

“No wonder my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts his praises! My body rests in hope. For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your Holy One to rot in the grave.”

Acts 2:26-27

 As a primary care physician practicing rural medicine in a small town outside of Nashville, Tennessee, I have witnessed a lot of healing. Some of it has been through the work of medical professionals, whom God uses to carry out his good work, and some have happened supernaturally—the result of God’s direct intervention.

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Day 27
Jan 27 12:30 AM

Day 27

Jan 27 12:30 AM
Jan 27 12:30 AM

Many of the emotional and relational issues that plague us as adults are the results of seeds planted in our childhoods. I don’t mean to suggest that there is a dysfunctional family in everyone’s bloodline, but all of us were shaped by the things from our past and our parents' past and their parent’s past, etc.

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