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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla pellentesque justo. Ut feugiat non velit a lobortis. Ut sit.

Sacred Whispers Devotional

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There Are No Teeth
Jan 14 3:39 AM

There Are No Teeth

Jan 14 3:39 AM
Jan 14 3:39 AM

“Fear often stands for “False Expectations Appearing Real.”

I am surprised by the number of people who call themselves Christians but live in almost constant fear. They are afraid of people, afraid of what they might lose or what they might gain, afraid of commitment, or afraid of getting sick.

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Ordinary People, Extraordinary Power
Jan 13 3:31 AM

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Power

Jan 13 3:31 AM
Jan 13 3:31 AM

Far too often you may not feel up to the task before you. You may not think you have the skills, resources, or ability to complete the assignment you are facing. This is a normal part of the human experience—the feeling of inadequacy.

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Waiting Patiently
Jan 12 3:27 AM

Waiting Patiently

Jan 12 3:27 AM
Jan 12 3:27 AM

Many times, when we think of waiting patiently on the Lord, we have no real practical idea of what that actually should look like in our lives.

In our desire to prove our sufficiency, we often neglect to cry out to the Lord for help.

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Day 15
Jan 15 12:14 AM

Day 15

Jan 15 12:14 AM
Jan 15 12:14 AM

Have you ever heard the saying, “Pressure will burst a pipe”? For those of you who have never heard this saying, it’s a metaphor that suggests that when you’re carrying a lot of stress, feeling overwhelmed with the excess negative weight of life, and not taking care of yourself, the pressure of life can break the strongest person down. Applying enough pressure to the strongest substance can break it down and crush it. However, today we are talking about a different kind of pressure. 

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Day 14
Jan 14 12:50 AM

Day 14

Jan 14 12:50 AM
Jan 14 12:50 AM

Charles Dickens wrote his famous book, “A Tale of Two Cities”, by beginning it with the tension of contradictory realities existing within the same historical era. He writes, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

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Day 13
Jan 13 12:49 AM

Day 13

Jan 13 12:49 AM
Jan 13 12:49 AM

“At the close of a very dark and gloomy day, I lay resting on my couch as the deeper night drew on, and though all was bright within my cozy little room, some of the external darkness seemed to have entered into my soul and obscured my spiritual vision. In vain, I tried to see the hand which I knew held mine and guided my weary feet along this steep and slippery path of suffering.

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Day 12
Jan 12 12:49 AM

Day 12

Jan 12 12:49 AM
Jan 12 12:49 AM

For me, rest, in general, can be a difficult concept to grasp. Logically, I understand what it means to rest, but transparently, I don’t give rest and relaxation the same value that I assign to work. For me, there is nothing more significant than executing good work. This mindset can be an incredible asset for accomplishing tasks, being productive, and achieving goals; however, lately, I am experiencing some ‘side effects’ of this constant ‘go’ lifestyle. It’s an exhausting lifestyle to always be continually needing to accomplish something

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Day 11
Jan 11 12:49 AM

Day 11

Jan 11 12:49 AM
Jan 11 12:49 AM

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Philippians 4:8


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