Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur a diam sit amet hendrerit. Cras iaculis ligula eu nunc condimentum fringilla. Cras porttitor convallis ex sed convallis. Aenean eget ex odio. In dolor arcu, vestibulum eget mauris feugiat, eleifend venenatis mauris. Donec fringilla vehicula est sit amet luctus. Nullam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla pellentesque justo. Ut feugiat non velit a lobortis. Ut sit.

Sacred Whispers Devotional

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Trust Him at All Times
Jan 11 3:03 AM

Trust Him at All Times

Jan 11 3:03 AM
Jan 11 3:03 AM

As I saw the rising Coronavirus infection rates, the resultant increasing death toll, the images of the protests and riots and the constant fighting from our political leaders, it seemed as if everything just went black.  My mind went to a lost place that day, because I just couldn’t take any more. I finally verbalized what had been screaming in my subconscious for days, even causing me to toss and turn all night, “GOD, where are you? What is going on? What are you doing?!”

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Knowing Your Purpose
Jan 10 3:00 AM

Knowing Your Purpose

Jan 10 3:00 AM
Jan 10 3:00 AM

The Bible teaches us that God created us with a purpose. In Ephesians 2:10 (ESV), the Bible says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Imagine that! God not only knew us before we were born, but He created us with a purpose in mind, and He expects us to walk in that purpose!


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The Distraction of Discomfort
Jan 09 3:35 AM

The Distraction of Discomfort

Jan 09 3:35 AM
Jan 09 3:35 AM

While clinging to hope and holding strong to our faith, we are often discouraged by the challenges and setbacks that appear in our lives. Just when it seems things are looking up and your optimism is restored, something happens that shakes your faith. Trying times seem to come at the most trying of times.

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Day 12
Jan 12 12:49 AM

Day 12

Jan 12 12:49 AM
Jan 12 12:49 AM

For me, rest, in general, can be a difficult concept to grasp. Logically, I understand what it means to rest, but transparently, I don’t give rest and relaxation the same value that I assign to work. For me, there is nothing more significant than executing good work. This mindset can be an incredible asset for accomplishing tasks, being productive, and achieving goals; however, lately, I am experiencing some ‘side effects’ of this constant ‘go’ lifestyle. It’s an exhausting lifestyle to always be continually needing to accomplish something

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Day 11
Jan 11 12:49 AM

Day 11

Jan 11 12:49 AM
Jan 11 12:49 AM

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Philippians 4:8


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Day 10
Jan 10 12:49 AM

Day 10

Jan 10 12:49 AM
Jan 10 12:49 AM

Who among us can forget those classic scenes in the “Rocky” movie series when Sylvester Stallone’s character, Rocky Balboa, is pummeled to the mat after suffering round after round of brutal punishment by his challenger? Almost every movie included the heart-wrenching scene of Rocky being nearly knocked out by his boxing challenger. Whether it was Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang, or Ivan Drago, it was a certainty that Rocky was going to hit the ground.

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Day 9
Jan 09 12:49 AM

Day 9

Jan 09 12:49 AM
Jan 09 12:49 AM

If you've ever worked with clay, you understand that it has two basic functions. It can conform or it can be transformed. In either instance, it starts out as a lump. The conforming property of clay means that it takes the shape of whatever you place it against or whatever you press it into. Clay will conform to that shape. Its life or purpose is determined by whatever it is pressed into, and only that is its purpose. 

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Day 8
Jan 08 12:48 AM

Day 8

Jan 08 12:48 AM
Jan 08 12:48 AM

My wife has a very peaceful pastime activity. If the weather is right, she loves to sit out on our back patio and look out into the trees in the backyard and watch the birds melodically singing while perched on one of the tender branches.

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