Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur a diam sit amet hendrerit. Cras iaculis ligula eu nunc condimentum fringilla. Cras porttitor convallis ex sed convallis. Aenean eget ex odio. In dolor arcu, vestibulum eget mauris feugiat, eleifend venenatis mauris. Donec fringilla vehicula est sit amet luctus. Nullam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla pellentesque justo. Ut feugiat non velit a lobortis. Ut sit.

Sacred Whispers Devotional

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Meditate on These Things
Jan 01 3:17 AM

Meditate on These Things

Jan 01 3:17 AM
Jan 01 3:17 AM

With all that is going on in the world, it is easy for your mind to be filled with all sorts of negative images and worries. If you spend too much time watching the nightly news and the political pundits, you will get the sense the world is falling apart. The constant bombardment of negativity may be taking a toll on your psyche.It is difficult to experience God’s peace, joy, and truth when you are constantly confronted with the world’s chaos, misery, and deception.

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Day 2
Jan 02 12:56 AM

Day 2

Jan 02 12:56 AM
Jan 02 12:56 AM

A visitor at a school for the deaf was writing questions on the board for the children. Soon he wrote this sentence: “Why has God made me able to hear and speak, and made you deaf?” The shocking sentence hit the children like a cruel slap on the face. They sat paralyzed, pondering the dreadful word “Why?”

And then a little girl arose. She walked up to the chalkboard and with tiny tears slowly welling up in her eyes, she picked up the chalk and wrote the words that she had studied in her last Sunday School class at her church:

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