Life Groups

At New Life we understand that joining a new church can be scary and lonely especially if you don’t know anyone. Our small groups ministry is called LifeGroups and is designed to shrink the size of our congregation and ignite genuine fellowship with a family of like-minded believers.

The purpose of the LifeGroups Ministry is to help New Life members develop deeper intimacy with God, experience real community with fellow believers, and increase their influence and witness with unbelievers.

The Bible reveals that God designed people to live in community and fellowship with one another. From the early stages of creation, God said that it was not good for man to live alone. Even in the New Testament, the Bible declares that believers should not forsake meeting together. Just as God is a relational being, so are His children who are created in His image. The biblical paradigm for spiritual growth is clear—it is a community of like-minded believers sharing their lives with the mutual aim of getting to know Christ better.

Notably, the ministries of Jesus and the New Testament church focused in great measure on relationships with people. Paul revealed to his disciples that they had become so dear to him that he not only shared the gospel with them, but he also shared his life with them. The LifeGroups Ministry at New Life is based on these biblical principles, with the goal that every New Life member will experience “Doing Life Together. 

Women After God's Own Heart

Women After God's Own Heart is a group for mature Christian women (empty nesters) who are Spirit controlled and striving to be living examples of Christian discipleship. To connect together in regular small group settings for the purpose of developing and practicing the life of discipleship that God desires for every believer.


Henrietta Tatum

50 Plus

50 Plus is a group for men and women ages 50 and older who would like to fellowship with others in this stage of their lives to edify one another with their God-given gifts as we seek to continue to grow through the Word of God and be conformed to the image of Christ.


Leon & Redonna Singleton

Life Group Signup

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