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Sacred Whispers Devotional

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Rejoicing in Tribulation
Jan 21 3:56 AM

Rejoicing in Tribulation

Jan 21 3:56 AM
Jan 21 3:56 AM

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Romans 5:3–5

It is counterintuitive to praise God in the midst of experiencing tribulation, but this is exactly what Paul is describing.  We have the responsibility to exalt God in tribulations. We must understand that we are able to do this because the Lord’s goodness isn’t contingent upon the circumstances in which we find ourselves, whether good or bad.

It is in this place of tests and tribulations that we are truly able to learn how to endure. The lessons that we learn here aren’t false, but they genuinely teach us how to lean and depend upon Christ in trying circumstances.

Much of our strength for this journey of faith can only be found in the time that we are willing to spend on this journey. No, there aren’t any special rewards that we naturally get for being faithful to Christ in tribulation for a certain period of time; but we are strengthened and the genuineness of our faith is proven after having the Lord bring us through many challenging ad difficult situations. We begin to know Him by experience in ways that we once only knew about Him. As this our knowledge of Him builds, we grow closer and closer to Him while learning to trust Him more.

As we learn to trust Christ more, our eternal hope becomes more and more real. It becomes more real because we will see the continual evidence of the Spirit’s work in our lives, and we know that He will complete this work that He is doing within us. This is where our initial praise may be found—hoping in the glory that is to come, which far outweighs any of the trouble we have experienced during our stay here on earth.

Righteousness Exalts A Nation
Jan 20 3:55 AM

Righteousness Exalts A Nation

Jan 20 3:55 AM
Jan 20 3:55 AM

Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.

Proverbs 14:34

I recently had a conversation with a young person who was on the fence about voting in this year’s election. He noted his distrust of the Electoral College and disappointment in the political system and politicians in general. In his opinion, they all seem to do what they want to do and tell us what they think we want to hear. I could not help but agree as I too recognize that our political system could use a lot of improvement.

Too often we see dishonor of their oaths of office, corruption, political jockeying for more and more power and a blatant disregard of “the will of the people”. The last 12 years, particularly on a national scale, has revealed some of the darkest places of the human heart, especially in pursuit of power, and 2020 has seemingly been the all time low.  The politicizing of our response to Covid 19, the resurgence of racial tensions, and the sheer nastiness of this election, tempts me also to feel that it is hopeless; so why even bother. Why vote, why speak up, why even try to stand for what is right?  Afterall, this world is ‘going to hell in a handbasket’ as it is said.

Shortly after the conversation, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “it is righteousness that exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”  This scripture, found in Proverbs 14:34 changed my perspective. If we as Christians fail to show up, in the darkness, then what hope is there? Our collective righteousness lifts up our world and counters the collective evil and sin that is bringing it down.  The only way that people see the light, is it shines in darkness. 

Jesus put it this way in Matt 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Despite the darkness, lets choose to be the light. For indeed, it is righteousness that exalts a nation.


When Nothing is Something
Jan 19 3:51 AM

When Nothing is Something

Jan 19 3:51 AM
Jan 19 3:51 AM

So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”

2 Kings 4:2

Have you ever been in a situation that has caused you to be in a state of pure panic? Maybe you unexpectedly lost your job or have incurred a debt as a result of an unanticipated illness. Perhaps you’re a student who miscalculated your college expenses and got a bill you didn’t expect. We’ve all had that moment when we panicked because in our adverse circumstances, we forgot that we serve a miracle-working, “shows-up-when-you-need-Him” God.   

There is the story of a widow whose husband died suddenly. He was a prophet’s disciple and left his family in debt when he passed. Creditors were threatening to take the widow’s sons to make them slaves because of this debt, and she went to the prophet Elisha for help. As you can see from 2 Kings 4:2 above, Elisha first asked, “What have you in your house?” And her initial response was to say “nothing.” How many of us, when confronted with an unanticipated situation, panic and immediately experience a crisis of faith because we believe we have “nothing?”

However, as soon as the widow said that she had nothing – as if it jumped into her mind – she remembered that she had some oil in the house. But it seems like this didn’t mean anything to her because she said, “except a jar of oil.” In my mind, I experienced this verse as though she was saying, “we have nothing of importance in the house. Just a jar of oil.” That word “just” can be a terrible word because it reveals a mindset that we undervalue who we are or what we possess. I don’t like it when my friends say it’s “just” me; as if their presence isn’t important. The fact that it’s you means all the world to me because I have no other you in my life. You are unique.

In the midst of the widow’s limited thinking, God shows up to reveal what he can do with “just” a jar of oil. Elisha instructs the woman to get as many vessels as she can and to pour oil from her jar into the vessels. He specifically tells her to get “empty vessels, do not gather just a few” (v. 3). This widow and her sons started pouring oil from her jar into all of the vessels borrowed from neighbors and God’s Word says that her jar continued to give oil until the family ran out of vessels. The widow was able to sell the oil and the money was enough for her to pay off her husband’s debt and to provide for her and her sons.

As you meditate on this lesson, ask yourself:

  • Are you of the mindset that you have nothing? Even worse, have you been tempted to believe that you are nothing?
  • What valuable object or gift do you have in your life that you think of as being “just a jar of oil’ when god can multiply that gift to bless you and your family?
  • Read 2 Kings 4:1-7. Did you notice that the jar of oil only stopped producing because the widow had not secured more vessels? Are you limiting God’s abundance in your life by not having secured enough vessels?

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Day 22
Jan 22 12:02 AM

Day 22

Jan 22 12:02 AM
Jan 22 12:02 AM

When the Women’s Ministry team and I were deciding upon a name for our conference, I remembered that my devotional one morning was from Psalm 3, which finds David fleeing from his son Absalom. Verse 4 says, “I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hillSelah”.   That word, ‘Selah’, seemed to just leap off of the page as it resonated in my heart. 

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Day 21
Jan 21 12:54 AM

Day 21

Jan 21 12:54 AM
Jan 21 12:54 AM

Most of us are familiar with John 14:6, where Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In other words, no one can have eternal life with the Father, except through His son, Jesus.

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Day 20
Jan 20 12:09 AM

Day 20

Jan 20 12:09 AM
Jan 20 12:09 AM

One of the benefits of our January fast is the powerful external motivation that we get to benefit from. Many Christians all over the world choose to begin their new year with a month of fasting. 

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Day 19
Jan 19 12:14 AM

Day 19

Jan 19 12:14 AM
Jan 19 12:14 AM

Sometimes I like to just sit with a good book. I mean, to really become present with the writer and to become one with the story. Great literature is like that, you can’t truly appreciate it if your mind is racing and your thoughts are concentrated in other places.

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Day 18
Jan 18 12:04 AM

Day 18

Jan 18 12:04 AM
Jan 18 12:04 AM

Helicopter pilot, Ray Asgar, flew over Gilcrest, Texas, and took a photo of a single little yellow house belonging to Warren and Pam Adams. What is remarkable about this house is that it is the only house left standing after Hurricane Ike completely demolished nearly every home and business in this small, once-thriving community.

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