Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur a diam sit amet hendrerit. Cras iaculis ligula eu nunc condimentum fringilla. Cras porttitor convallis ex sed convallis. Aenean eget ex odio. In dolor arcu, vestibulum eget mauris feugiat, eleifend venenatis mauris. Donec fringilla vehicula est sit amet luctus. Nullam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla pellentesque justo. Ut feugiat non velit a lobortis. Ut sit.

Sacred Whispers Devotional

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Too Busy for God?
Jan 04 3:04 AM

Too Busy for God?

Jan 04 3:04 AM
Jan 04 3:04 AM

What is your heart set on? What occupies the inner thoughts of your soul? The issues, people, and things that frequently come to your mind without active effort are likely what your heart is set on.

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Suffering is Limited
Jan 03 3:01 AM

Suffering is Limited

Jan 03 3:01 AM
Jan 03 3:01 AM

We are to be sure of the fact that no matter what we go through on this earth, it is limited. We must remind ourselves: ‘All of our suffering will soon come to an end.’ The suffering that we face will soon be a memory to be wiped away.

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Disappointed with God? Yield to the Right-of-Way
Jan 02 3:56 AM

Disappointed with God? Yield to the Right-of-Way

Jan 02 3:56 AM
Jan 02 3:56 AM

John 11:1-44 is a beautiful narrative of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, the friends of Jesus.  At first blush, we see a strange way for Jesus to treat his friends, especially when they are in need. 

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Day 5
Jan 05 12:27 AM

Day 5

Jan 05 12:27 AM
Jan 05 12:27 AM

I, and a group of missionaries from our church, were on a short-term missions trip in Liberia, West Africa. We had set up a makeshift clinic in the little village town of Salala, Liberia, and a group of doctors, dentists, and volunteers were providing treatment to the patients who traveled from miles away and were thronging our clinic for medical treatment. 

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Day 4
Jan 04 12:33 AM

Day 4

Jan 04 12:33 AM
Jan 04 12:33 AM

Ever heard about the behavioral study where data was gathered on a playground? Surrounded by a fence, the playground was a flurry of activity for students in their free time.

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Day 3
Jan 03 12:59 AM

Day 3

Jan 03 12:59 AM
Jan 03 12:59 AM

One of the strangest and most difficult things to understand is the ‘silence of God’.  When the heat of our circumstances seems to beat down upon our brow without mercy, God’s silence is simply baffling.


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Day 2
Jan 02 12:56 AM

Day 2

Jan 02 12:56 AM
Jan 02 12:56 AM

A visitor at a school for the deaf was writing questions on the board for the children. Soon he wrote this sentence: “Why has God made me able to hear and speak, and made you deaf?” The shocking sentence hit the children like a cruel slap on the face. They sat paralyzed, pondering the dreadful word “Why?”

And then a little girl arose. She walked up to the chalkboard and with tiny tears slowly welling up in her eyes, she picked up the chalk and wrote the words that she had studied in her last Sunday School class at her church:

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