“Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, ‘Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.’ And Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.’”
Luke 10:38–42 NKJV
This well-known account of Mary and Martha highlights two ways of interacting with Jesus. Commentaries often focus on applauding Mary for choosing to sit at Jesus’ feet while cautioning against Martha’s distraction with serving. But let’s take a closer look at Martha’s plight. Many of us can relate to her busyness, whether at home, in church, or in the workplace. It’s easy to become consumed by the tasks on our to-do lists - but there’s good news in the gospel for the workaholic. We serve a Savior who wants our hearts before He asks for our hands.
God doesn’t ask us to stop serving; rather, He calls us to reorder our service. He asks us to sit before we serve.
Sitting with Jesus is not about inactivity; it is about intimacy. The Greek word for “sit” in this text means “to place near.” To sit at His feet is to deliberately place ourselves in His presence, allowing Him to support, equip, and fill us. We provide the position, and God provides the power.
This order—sitting before serving—carries profound wisdom. Jesus isn’t like those who accept service from others without seeking a relationship. He wants us to sit with Him first so that our service flows from a place of communion with Him. When we prioritize sitting with Jesus, three key things happen:
- Our intimacy with Him deepens, and we gain a stronger sense of our identity in Him.
- Our service becomes more effective because it is Spirit-led rather than self-driven.
- Those we serve encounter the presence of the One we sit with.
These truths remind us of Augustine’s powerful insight: “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until it finds its rests in You.” Jesus invites us to rest at His feet, to take His easy yoke and light burden (Matthew 11:28–30).
One morning, after rushing into the parking deck at work, I pulled out a pocket devotional and spent five minutes reading and praying in my car. I said, “Lord, I know this isn’t much, but I need these five minutes with You before I walk through those doors.” That brief time with Jesus completely changed the trajectory of my
It’s essential to carve out intentional time with God in the secret place, but we should also remember that quality matters more than quantity. Whether it’s five minutes or an hour, God meets us where we are. In seasons of busyness, His grace supplies what we need to sit with Him and serve others well.
The call to sit at Jesus’ feet reminds us of a story from Christian history. Susanna Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley, was a mother of ten children who managed a chaotic household. Yet, she found time to pray and sit with the Lord daily. She would throw her apron over her head as a sign to her children that she was in prayer and communion with God. From this simple act of sitting with Jesus, she gained the wisdom and strength to raise two sons who would later transform the Christian world through their ministries.
Susanna Wesley’s legacy reflects the truth of this passage: sitting with Jesus is not wasted time. It is where we are renewed, equipped, and empowered to fulfill the roles and callings God has given us.
Father, I declare that You are my highest priority. In seasons when time and energy run thin, help me to run to Your feet in faith. I trust that when I seek You first, everything else will fall into its proper place. Teach me to balance sitting with serving, and may my service flow from intimacy with You. Thank You for the grace that meets me in every season and for Your love that invites me to rest in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Reflect on your current season of life. Are you leaning more toward sitting with Jesus, serving others, or a balance of both? Take a moment to pray and ask the Lord about any adjustments you believe need to be made.
As you seek Him, consider incorporating intentional pauses throughout your day to reconnect with His presence. Write down one Scripture that reminds you of the importance of rest in Him, and keep it visible as a reminder to prioritize sitting at His feet.
Published on Jan 28 @ 12:01 AM EDT